US Securities and Exchange Commission
Litigation Release No. 20858/January 21, 2009
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Arthur Nadel, et al.
SEC Compliant (pdf)
"Poof! Another Fund Manager Disappears"
Liz Moyer, Forbes 1/21/09
"Some of the money in the funds was transferred to secret bank accounts only Nadel controlled.."
Other Money Managers of Note:
Marcus Schrenker - Faked his death by crashing his airplane, and was found in a campground.
Regulators were warned about parachuting financer (Rick Callahan, Associated Press, 1/19/09)
Adolf Merckle - Killed himself after losing several hundred million euros on the wrong end of a short sell.
Financial Casulty: Why Adolf Mercle Killed Himself (William Boston, TIME, 1/6/09)
Phoenix MAy Be Sold for Up to EU6 Billion After Merckle's Death (Ambereen Choudhury, Bloomberg, 1/22/09)
Photo from Bloomberg
Daren Palmer - Idaho Investigates Alleged Hedge Fund Fraud FINalternatives 1/20/09
Rod Stringer- SEC Charges Texas Man With Hedge Fund Fraud FINalternatives 1/21/09
Marc Dreier - Dreier Said to Promise Son $12.5 Million in Property (David Glovin, Bloomberg 1/21/09)
Bernie Madoff- List of Entities Announcing Exposure to Madoff Investment Fraud Wall Street Journal 1/20/09
Sam Isreal - Faked his death to escape a prison sentence and lived in a campground until he turned himself in.
Wanted fund chief rides scooter to police HQ, turns himself in. USA Today, 7/2/08
More from the past:
Steven Markovitz- Mellennium Partners Hedge Fund Trader
Small-Time Crooks Michael Maiello, Forbes 10/2/03
Three Merrill Brokers Fired in Hedge Fund Scandal Matthew Goldstein, The 10/2/03
Investors rush to exit hedge funds after record losses Miles Costello, Times Online 1/22/09
FBI sees more indictments from backdating: An assistant director says FBI is vigorously investigating 55 corporations. Shaheen Pasha, CNN Money, 10/12/06
"Hedge funds are the wild, wild west of investing," he said. "The problem comes when hedge funds become more and more like Ponzi schemes." - Chip Burrus, Assistant Director, FBI
Focus in Fund Scandal Turns to Bear Stearns Matthew Goldstein, The 11/13/03
The $500 Billion Hedge Fund Folly James M. Clash, Robert Lenzner, Michael Maiello, Josephine Lee, Forbes 08/06/01
"The industry--or, at least, the term "hedge fund"--dates back to 1949 and money manager Alfred Winslow Jones. He pitched the notion that a smart money man could protect investors against market spills by going long some stocks and short others."
1 comment:
Unfortunately, the market turmoil has led to increased calls for regulation of the hedge fund industry. Both Shapiro and Geithner have stated a desire to see more hedge fund regulations. While regulation (and registration) is not the end of the world, it will increase costs for a hedge fund start up.
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