Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Francine McKenna's Blog: Re: The Auditors "Madoff and Blagojevich: Stealing - Easier When No One is Watching"

Francine McKenna's blog, re: The Auditors, is a great place to get good information regarding topics related to finance, accounting, and the economy. One of her recent posts sheds some light on the latest scandals in our society:

Madoff and Blagojevich: Stealing - Easier When No One Is Watching

I was delighted to discover that McKenna had posted a video of musicians performing a song related to her topic, also in keeping with the theme of the Economic Sounds and Sights blog.

Jane's Addiction's Been Caught Stealing, via Terranaomi

Quotes from McKenna's blog post:
"Ethical relativism is alive and well. The extreme sense of entitlement and unadulterated self-interest inherent in some of the worst offenders is an example of pure evil...I see bad people...."The smart money KNEW Bernie had to be cheating, because the returns he was generating were impossibly good. Many Wall Streeters suspected the wrong rigged game, though: They thought it was insider trading, not a Ponzi scheme.
And here's the best part: That's why they invested with him." "


Naked Capitalism: SEC Skipped Normal Inspection of Madoff Hedge Fund

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